Padre Pio pray for us sinners, in your boundless goodness and mercy and take pity on us, and may your love never be lacking in us.
Padre Pio, pray for us – Prayer of Supplication
Padre Pio, in your boundless goodness and mercy, pray for us sinners. Pray for those who are sick, for those who suffer from afflictions small or great. Padre Pio, pray for those who suffer from physical disabilities, those who have psychological illnesses, and those who have lost the faith. Pray for those who have suffered injury, those who have strayed from the right path, those who have been deceived, and those who have no protection.
Padre Pio, pray for all the children of troubled families, families in hardship, and divorced couples. Pray for orphans throughout the world, for those who in this life are beset by sorrow and treated unjustly. Padre Pio, pray for those who are in prison; enlighten them and help them to change their lives and follow Christ’s teaching. Padre Pio, pray for all those who are persecuted and for migrants who are far from home and live in foreign lands. Remember those who today travel by sea, air, or land, and protect them. Pray for those who have lost home or work, for women and men who are elderly and alone.
Padre Pio, pray for world leaders and help them to govern in a Christian manner. Pray for those in the midst of war, preserve them from every evil, and aid them with your holy protection. Help them and give them hope and peace. Padre Pio, pray for all those who have departed this life and grant to their souls rest and serenity. Take pity on us and may your abundant love and mercy never be lacking in us. Amen.