Padre Pio I ask You in prayer to grant me Your intercession to overcome the difficult times that are putting a strain on my life.
Prayer for Difficult Times to Padre Pio
Padre Pio, the Lord has given you the gift to carry out extraordinary works, I ask You in prayer to grant me through His intercession help to overcome this difficult moment. Loving Padre Pio, faithful servant of the Lord God, the Church honors you as one who generously shares Divine mercy. Help me, come to my rescue and free me from this moment of despair.

Oh Padre Pio, you have always been consolation for human suffering; you have given relief and peace, joy and favors. Hear my voice and my prayer, I am truly in need of your help to come through this difficult situation in my life. Dearest Padre Pio, help me in this time of trouble, as my efforts seem in vain and my feet go astray. I plead with you, guide me and strengthen me; let me not be abandoned in my desperation.
Glorious Padre Pio, I raise to you my prayer to overcome these difficult times because in you I look for strength when I am afflicted. I turn to you to seek refuge and protection, in you I find my courage and safety, my support, my joy in living and doing. Give me a charitable heart, teach me to be more generous, and help me to do good works with no thought for earthly compensation. If I am unworthy, help me to repent and atone for my many sins. Padre Pio, come and pray with me, calling upon the Lord, so that I may be heard in my prayer and receive from the Highest, during this difficult time, all the goodness I stand in need of.
Beloved Padre Pio, you know my past, present, and future – there is nothing you do not know. Fill the emptiness in my life, fill me with joy and hope. Show me yet again your love, oh dear Padre Pio. Bring my case before our almighty God so I may have all the help I need (make the petition you need with great faith and confidence). Oh Padre Pio, a Saint among men, intercede on my behalf. Amen