This morning prayer is a heartfelt tribute to Padre Pio, a symbol of sacrifice and love. It calls upon his protection and support to face the day with faith and hope.
Morning Prayer to Padre Pio (to use daily)
Padre Pio, I come to you this morning with a heart full of gratitude, offering this humble prayer. Thank you for watching over me during the night, keeping me safe and shielding me from harm. As the light of a new day breaks, I turn to you in faith, asking for your guidance so I may face the world with hope and live as an instrument of your love. Your life was deeply marked by the signs of Christ’s suffering—your wounded hands and pierced heart.

Reflecting on your sacrifice fills me with awe and profound thankfulness. Fill my heart with your kindness and allow your love to take root within me—a love that renews my spirit, overcomes challenges, strengthens my weaknesses, and wipes away every tear. Today, I place my life and this day into your hands, Padre Pio. Be my protector as I navigate the trials and responsibilities ahead. Keep me safe from harm and grant me the strength to approach each task with courage and grace. When doubt or discouragement arise, remind me to press forward, trusting in your intercession and God’s perfect plan. You know the worries and burdens I carry.
Stay close to me, sharing your strength and wisdom. Help me recognize Christ in the faces of those I encounter and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation all around me. Inspire me to act with a selfless heart, to be generous to those in need, and to extend kindness without expecting anything in return. Guard me against sin and protect me from all forms of evil. Let your grace, Padre Pio, remain with me and my loved ones throughout this day. May your presence remind me of God’s infinite mercy and unwavering love, guiding my every step. Amen.