Padre Pio have mercy on us who ask in prayer for your help and comfort, and may the Lord deign to and grant me what I beg for with immense faith and great humility.
Prayer to Ask Padre Pio for Help and Comfort
O glorious Padre Pio, come quickly to my aid in this time of great distress that afflicts my soul, so that I may receive the comfort of heaven in all my needs. Your love, an extraordinary reflection of that of God, brings you to aid all misery, console every sorrow, and satisfy our every need. You who inherited the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi and embraced the poverty of Christ to dedicate yourself to the service of the poor, the needy, and the sick, take pity on us who ask for your help and comfort.

Most gentle Padre Pio, I come to you full of trust because in my heart I have the certainty that my petition will be more pleasing to our Lord God if it is you who intercede for me. Padre Pio, holy protector, kind and merciful saint, pray for me before almighty God and ask him to have mercy on me. Comfort me in this time of suffering, that I may receive the help I need in all my distress. Be my guardian, be my guide wherever I go by night or by day, and free me from every negative circumstance. I know that my sins are many and great, but I trust and hope in your boundless mercy.
O most holy St. Padre Pio, grant me assistance from heaven; may the Lord deign to hear my prayer and grant me what I beg for with immense faith and great humility (mention your request). Padre Pio, saint honored in heaven and on earth, venerated by men, teach me to be generous, to serve you as you deserve, and to give expecting nothing in return. I place my difficulties under your protection; most holy Padre Pio, grant me your gentle aid, that I may obtain help and comfort in this difficult circumstance. Loving Padre Pio, soul noble and faithful to God, be my defender and obtain for me speedily what I have trustingly asked for in this prayer. Amen.