Padre Pio showed people his friendship and taught us the great value of offering everything for one’s friends – friendship is a gift from God
Prayer for Friends and the gift of Friendship
To you Padre Pio, lover of life and friend of all, I offer my prayer for the friend you have brought me to meet along the path of this earthly journey.

A person like me, but not the same as me.
Padre Pio, may ours be the friendship of two people who complement each other with the gifts received from God, who give each other help and support, who speak to each other in the language of loyalty and brotherhood.
Help us to look with that look that understands, without the other having to ask.
Help us to have a big heart that responds before the other has to say anything.
Padre Pio, strengthen our friendship, give it the spirit of true freedom, the strength to stand firm in the face of difficulties, and the courage to go beyond.
May our hands reach out in a gesture of peace.
May our words be gentle but strong.
May our smile, and our tears, express the depth and truth of the sincerity and authenticity of our friendship.
Padre Pio, protect our friendship and make it strong in your love.