Prayer for the Healing of Cancer for Padre Pio’s intercession
Oh Padre Pio, ever since I was diagnosed with cancer it feels like my whole world has collapsed. I never thought it could happen to me. Padre Pio, in this dark hour, I seek you within my heart. I need your help – stay with me. Padre Pio, I put my hope in you. Don’t let the cancer continue to spread inside me. Ease my pain, lighten my suffering, and sustain me as I face the battle against this tumor, with courage and peace within me.
You have performed miraculous works of healing, through intercession with our omnipotent God. Hear my petition: Padre Pio, I ask you for the gift to be healed from cancer. Padre Pio, in your life you experienced sickness, pain, and suffering. No one knows my anguish more than you. Give me the hope to still live a life of joy together with my family and loved ones. There are so many things I had planned to do with my life, and now it seems they have all disappeared into an uncertain future.
Oh Padre Pio, take my hand and walk with me along the path toward overcoming this terrible tumor; strengthen my faith throughout this battle with cancer. Even if my body breaks down, I pray that my soul and my spirit may be renewed day by day. Padre Pio, I seek your help. Remove all suffering from my heart and purify me from sin. Let my prayers be worthy to be heard high in the heavens. Give me a generous heart, teach me to be selfless, and help me become more charitable with my brothers who are most in need.
Padre Pio, you are a beloved witness on earth of Jesus Christ, the devoted Son of the blessed Virgin Mary. I come before you in prayer to ask for your intercession on my behalf with our omnipotent God. May I be freed from the cancer that afflicts and torments my life. Padre Pio, I put my life in your hands. I don’t know how things will turn out, but I am certain that you will be beside me to help me accept His will. May all honor and glory be, through all eternity, to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, whose greatness is reflected in you, Padre Pio. Amen.