The most powerful Healing Prayer by Saint Padre Pio – How to Pray for Healing: Say this prayer to ask for the physical healing of a loved one through Padre Pio’s intercession. How to Heal through Prayer: Ask Padre Pio for help through this prayer to receive the gift of healing for your loved one.
Prayer for physical Healing and Recovery through Padre Pio’s intercession
Padre Pio, during your earthly life you sanctified pain and suffering, and through you, the Lord performed miracles and works of healing. You always showed mercy and compassion for those who were ill, and you gave us a shining example of faith and obedience to the will of the Lord, our God. Beloved Padre Pio, we place our loved ones who are ill in your hands. We place in your care all those who are terminally ill, who have no earthly hope, and we humbly ask you to perform a miraculous work of healing for them.

Glorious Padre Pio, dry their tears. Give them faith and hope even when they feel afraid. Renew their faith so they may believe that everything is possible if it is God’s will. Stay by them, every day, in weakness and in pain. Encircle them with compassion, so they never lack the strength and the courage to confront their illness with determination. Padre Pio, let my prayer for healing be worthy to be heard in the heavens. Through your intercession Padre Pio, may the power of God and of the Holy Spirit flow through every cell in their body, deep into their soul, to purify and heal them from any affliction.
Dearest Padre Pio, I know that to ask for the healing of a loved one my faith must be pure and sincere, and so I open my soul and my heart to you. Fill me with glorious light and overcome my selfishness with your infinite goodness; make me more charitable and teach me to be more generous, with no thought for earthly compensation. Padre Pio, you are my guide, my heart’s joy, my example of a life lived for Christ – Strengthen my hope that [name] may be healed.
Loving Padre Pio, intercede for [name], that his/her health may be restored, according to the Father’s will. Show me your love and grant that my loved one may be healed for the glory of our Lord who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen