Prayer against COVID Coronavirus to Padre Pio – How do you ask for protection and healing from the Covid (coronavirus) – Recite this prayer to Padre Pio against the Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Prayer to ask for protection and healing from COVID (coronavirus)
Padre Pio, I come before you in prayer, in this period of overwhelming emotion for all of humanity. I implore you to come to our aid and protect us from COVID (coronavirus). Padre Pio, humble and devoted servant of our omnipotent God, the Church honors you as a generous supplier of divine mercy. You’ve always shown mercy and compassion for those who are sick, and the Lord, through you, has performed miracles and works of healing.

Padre Pio, have mercy on the humble sinners that we are, hear our prayers, and free us from the coronavirus (COVID) pandemic. May you heal all those who are affected by COVID (coronavirus). Give them the strength to combat this terrible virus as well as the tenacity to work through their recovery. Renew in them a faith that is able to believe that anything is possible if it is God’s will.
Padre Pio, grant faith and courage to the doctors, nurses, and all the healthcare workers, that the hospitals may perform healing wonders upon those who suffer from COVID. May their hearts feel compassion, and may they see Jesus in every patient. Padre Pio, please make sure that medical care can be available to anyone, especially for the most vulnerable and indigent ones all over the world.
Padre Pio, teach us to love our brothers and sisters who are suffering around the world, and to not only pray for those who are dear to us. Give me a charitable heart, teach me selflessness, and help me to do good works with no thought for earthly compensation. Padre Pio, in this time of the COVID (coronavirus) pandemic, let my prayer be worthy to be heard in heaven. Amen