The “Prayer for Protection to Padre Pio” is a profound invocation of faith, calling on the saint’s powerful intercession for protection and solace. Rooted in trust and devotion, it offers a heartfelt appeal for safety, guidance, and strength, not just for oneself but for loved ones and the most vulnerable in society.
Prayer for Protection and Safety to Padre Pio
Padre Pio, devoted servant of God, you understand the risks and struggles that surround me each day. I come to you with trust and faith, seeking your powerful intercession. Protect my body, mind, and soul from the snares of evil. Keep away every malicious influence and every hateful presence that could harm my daily life. By the graces bestowed upon you, I ask for your help in protecting my home, my loved ones, and all that I hold dear.

Remove every threat—whether visible or invisible, material or spiritual—that could bring harm or turmoil. Compassionate Padre Pio, you see my weaknesses and know my burdens. Console my heart in its fears and anxieties. Grant me the strength of your protection and a faith unshaken even in the face of trials. Watch over me and shield me from disasters, tragedies, and illnesses that seem beyond hope or healing. Glorious Padre Pio, may my prayer for protection and safety rise to heaven and be received with mercy and favor. Be my refuge and stronghold, Padre Pio, my constant and unshakable protector.
Extend your heavenly care to all who pray with this devotion, trusting in your guidance and love. Intercede for those who suffer injustice, for the rejected and marginalized, and for those who feel defenseless, abandoned, and forgotten. Let your compassion embrace those in greatest need.Teach me to have a generous heart that reflects Christ’s love. Help me to live with kindness and to perform acts of goodness without seeking recognition or reward. Beloved Padre Pio, look upon me with mercy. Hear my humble prayer, shield me with your tender care, and drive away every source of harm or evil from my life. Amen.