Words of Spiritual Guidance from Blessed Carlo Acutis. Suggestions from the Blessed Carlo Acutis for reaching the objective of sainthood
What does it mean to be a saint?
Words of Spiritual Guidance from Blessed Carlo Acutis. It means to be united in Christ, with God, perfect and holy. “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in Heaven is perfect“. Everyone is called to be a saint, which “is a fullness of a christian life and perfection of charity, found in a personal union with Christ. A christian’s path to sanctification, after having suffered the cross, will reach its fullness in the final resurrection of the just, where God is in all things.” A christian is already saintly, by virtue of his baptism. In fact, in the waters of baptism, we were “washed . . . sanctified . . . justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God”. And it is precisely because of the fact that we are saints that in the sacrament we must also become morally saintly. That is, we must be saintly in our thoughts, our speech, and our actions throughout every day and every moment of our lives. Me must, with God’s help, maintain, manifest, and perfect throughout our lives that sainthood that we received through baptism.

Suggestions from the Blessed Carlo Acutis for reaching the objective of sainthood:
- You must want it with all your heart, and if you don’t desire it yet, you should fervently ask the Lord for the desire.
- Try to attend Mass every day and to take the communion.
- Remember to say the Holy Rosary every day.
- Read a passage from the Holy Scriptures every day.
- If you are able, take a moment for worship of the eucharist in a tabernacle where Jesus is truly present. As you do so, you will see your level of sanctity rise significantly.
- If you are able, go to confession every week.
- Regularly make vows and small sacrifices to the Lord and to the Virgin Mary to help others.
- Continually ask for the help of your guardian angel, who should become your best friend.