Through these Phrases and Thoughts on Christmas, taken from his letters, we will discover why Padre Pio cherished this holiday and experienced it fully, “caught up in an ecstasy of love.” For Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Christmas was the most beautiful celebration of the entire liturgical year. From the Advent novena that would awaken his spirit to the procession with the Baby Jesus on Christmas Eve.
Quotes and Thoughts on Christmas written by Padre Pio
Welcoming the Baby Jesus into Our Hearts – “May our hearts become like the manger, ready to welcome the Baby Jesus with love and gratitude.” (Letters, Vol. III)
A Renewal of God’s Love – “May Christmas be for you a renewal of God’s love within your heart and a source of everlasting peace.” (Letters, Vol. IV)
Baby Jesus, Light in Our Struggles – “May Baby Jesus be born in your heart, bringing peace, joy, and the strength to face every challenge.” (Letters, Vol. II)
Living Christmas with Simplicity and Purity – “Let us celebrate Christmas with the purity and simplicity of the Bethlehem manger, where God became human for us.” (Letters, Vol. I)
A Blessing of Love and Hope for the Family – “May Baby Jesus bless you and your family, filling your lives with divine love and eternal hope.” (Letters, Vol. III)
The Joy of Christmas Filling Our Hearts – “The joy of Christmas is found in receiving with faith the mystery of the Incarnation. May this joy fill every moment of your life.” (Letters, Vol. IV)

Receiving the Heavenly Gifts of Baby Jesus – “May Baby Jesus grant you His heavenly gifts and fill your soul with His divine light.” (Letters, Vol. II)
Uniting with the Heart of the Savior on Christmas Eve – “On this holy night, heaven unites with earth; may your heart unite with that of the Savior.” (Letters, Vol. I)
The Sweetness of Baby Jesus Renewed in Us – “May the tenderness and sweetness of Baby Jesus always accompany you, renewing in you the strength of faith.” (Letters, Vol. III)
The Holy Family as an Example for Our Lives – “Jesus, Mary, and Joseph be the model and refuge of your family, today and always.” (Letters, Vol. IV)
The Tenderness of Christmas – “All the feasts of the Church are beautiful, but Christmas has a tenderness, a childlike sweetness that captures my whole heart.” (Letters, Vol. I)
Tears of Gratitude – “How joyful Jesus makes me! How sweet His spirit is! Yet, I am overwhelmed and can only pray, repeating: ‘Jesus, my sustenance.’” (Letters, Vol. I)
The Cries of Jesus – “Only the cries and weeping of the God-child are heard. With these cries, He offers to Divine justice the first ransom for our reconciliation.” (Letters, Vol. II)
The Smallest Among Us – “May Baby Jesus fill you with His divine gifts, help you share in the joys of the shepherds and angels, and ignite in you the fire of charity for which He became the smallest among us, making you a little child full of kindness, simplicity, and love.” (Letters, Vol. III)
Sweetest Jesus – “May the sweetest Baby Jesus bring you all the graces, all the blessings, and all the joy that please His infinite goodness.” (Letters, Vol. IV)
Read also:
- Prayer to Padre Pio for Christmas and Christ Child
- Prayer to Padre Pio during the Advent season
- Padre Pio and Advent: A Spiritual Reflection